Fruit Trees + Community + Art = FALLEN FRUIT

FALLEN FRUIT*:  Is a  project of the Wexner Center that will transform vacant lots into public parks complete with benches,  fruit trees, signs, walkways, and fruit-inspired art installations. Fallen Fruit a NFP  established in 2004 uses fruit as their lens. * “Fallen Fruit investigates urban space, ideas of neighborhood and new forms of located citizenship and community….they aim to reconfigure the relation between t who have resources and those who do not, to examine the nature of and in the city, and to investigate new shared forms of land use and property.” Columbus is joining cities around the world in using fruit trees as part of an innovation landscaping initiative that reimagines public interaction within urban spaces. Numerous studies have shown that healthy foods are significantly less available in low-income neighborhood- often called a food desert – and if there is produce available it tends to be of a poorer quality.  These factors, exacerbated by current economic conditions, place the poor at the highest risk of unhealthy diets, obesity and obesity related disease- such as diabetes.  IMGP0032-hola-2The Wexner Center for the Arts is teaming up with Fallen Fruit, and artist driven  food-creation concept to create public fruit parks in two prominent low-income areas in Columbus.  This project will TAKE ROOT in Weinland Park & South Side Communities which will also contribute to the neighborhood revitalizations going on in both of these areas.  PFW wishes to thank the WEX for bringing this project to our home town and we are proud sponsors of this endeavor.



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