Tariq Tarey is the photographer and Doug Rutledge the writer (who you may recall from the Somali Documentary Project) will both be in partnership with the Ohio History Connection to bring you a story told with 30 vibrant color photographs, a looping video   w of our new neighbors in Central Ohio to build road and work to make fallow land productive.  These people were mainly from southern Nepal and were Hindu.  Where they worked and lived was in Northern Bhutan, which was largely Buddhist…..  and yes…. in the1980’s the DIFFERENCES  began to be perceived as a threat and the Hindus were forbidden to wear traditional dress or teach their children Hindu customs or the Nepalese language.   Protests were violently repressed, a series of citizenship laws were passed including proof of citizenship.    By the end of this religious conflict, 100,000 Nepali speaking Bhutanese people were now backing in Nepal living in 3 refugee camps.  At that time the USA took in 70,000 refugees, and Columbus OH now has 20,000 persons who identify themselves with the original Bhutanese-Nepali speaking refugees who are now into a second and third generation.  These neighbors are buying homes, becoming or now born American citizens, voting, paying taxes and starting businesses. They are part of our fabric.

This project is designed to build cultural competency and educate Ohioans about the Bhutanese-Nepali refugee and their immigration experience.  You will come head to head with American core values of inclusivity.




We'll be in touch shortly!