A grant has been given to Ohio Citizen Action Education Fund (OCAEF) so that they can send three team members to take part in Puffin West’s good friends’ BACKBONE ACTIVISTS WORKSHOP TRAINING CAMP this summer. This program of artful activism will give them skills in practical prop-making – such as giant banners and papier-mâché puppets and also strategic and tactical training – such as people suddenly assembling in a public place for a brief time often for the purposes of social and artistic expression. These events are organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails. . Artful Activism captures the medias’ attention and helps to propel the message into the public’s consciousness. By sending them to ‘camp’ they will learn how to best assemble a team to deploy valuable non-violent direct action as OCA continues their clean energy campaigns of 2017 and beyond.xgroup_shot_with_teri_blanton-210x140.jpg.pagespeed.ic.nn2HvKQOlH OCAEF staff will also be able to connect with art activists from around the country. Ohio Citizen Action is the premier grassroots organizing team in the Midwest, which educates, organizes and mobilizes people to advocate for public interests. Their campaigns have increased public awareness of environmental issues, to protect our democracy and create a sustainable future.




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