WILD GOOSE CREATIVE will be collaborating with Star House Center https://starhouse.ehe.osu.edu  a drop in place for homeless teens on the OSU campus, which provides youth experiencing homelessness with a safe, respite from the streets and connects them to a chance for a productive life. This is a Day Center and youths can only stay there for 12 consecutive hours so for the remaining 12 hours of the day these homeless youths have no place to go. Think about that!  Wild Goose will be giving Star House Free Passes to distribute to  these homeless youths  so that they can attend any of their regular arts events scheduled at  Wild Goose which has  approximately 20 events each month including Youth Open Mic, Speak Easy story telling, figure drawing and improv comedy. Wild Goose also hopes to go into Star House and provide Saturday morning arts classes. Wild Goose also wishes to build a model home out of recycled materials and this model home will be used to start a community dialogue about the meaning of “HOME” and the impact of homelessness on young lives. Wild Goose Creative is a nonprofit community arts organization that provides space, education and resources to any artist in central Ohio. Wild Goose is where you go to be a part of the art. http://www.wildgoosecreative.org/



We'll be in touch shortly!