OHIO DANCE- Its Virtual Collection

OHIODANCE  (OHIODANCE.ORG/VDC.OHIODANCE.ORG) UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF MADAM JANE D’ANGELO  will continue to shift part or most of their focus still owing to the pandemic so that they can provide resources for the dance community at large through virtual and digital platf9rms.  They will offer monthly zoom sessions to the community on a variety of topics. The Ohio Virtual Dance collection has been committed to showcasing the great wealth of individual communities within the state of Ohio, both geographically, artistically, and culturally.  In 2023, OD plans to add 3-5 new dance individuals/organizations, offer after-school residences throughout Ohio based on the collection, and create a companion textbook for classroom use. distribute the documentary film, and develop an interactive traveling exhibit.    Dance has historically reflected the cultural attitudes of our times,  including the women’s movement, civil rights and disability rights.  There is also a Virtual Dance Collection. (VDC) that is interactive and has been preserving documents that have shaped dance history. Project Development: The oral history collection is continuously being expanded; including the development of school residencies throughout the state based on the website that introduces Ohio’s dance history to local students in each of the site areas, and the newly updated documentary film, Ohio: A State of Dance featuring the artists and institutions of the initial ten sites. Future developments are taking place.

Please find the OhioDance final report. On behalf of the Board of Trustees of OhioDance, we thank you for your support through the Puffin Foundation West, Ltd. grant award of $15,000.

Your support allowed OhioDance to hold virtual sessions through Zoom for the community and continue to expand the OhioDance Virtual Dance Collection®. This funding allowed OhioDance to pay artists to create the Virtual Dance Collection and offer Virtual sessions.

The Puffin Foundation West Ltd. logo is on the funder page of our website, and on the about the page of the Virtual Dance Collection. OhioDance acknowledges your support on marketing material and at Virtual events with verbal acknowledgment.

Please accept my sincere thank you for your very generous support.




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