Backbone Campaign, has been working to help save the “Southern Resident” Orca, the only “resident” orca in the world. The orca population is dwindling due to a lack of food. Historically, they received nourishment from what was once the world’s largest salmon river system in the world. Today, that system is clogged with dams, including four on the Lower Snake River which were built during the Cold War and which are kept in service only because they service a tiny amount of barge traffic from Lewiston Idaho to the Pacific Ocean. Even barging is no longer economically viable, as farmers are increasingly turning to rail and trucks for shipping grain.
The orca and the salmon are interdependent. The Backbone Campaign is working to continue to build a grassroots movement to save the Orca by mobilizing citizens in. Eastern Washington, Idaho, and Montana who want to show their love for these iconic species. In order for the Resident Orcas to survive, the dams must be breached on the Lower Snake River. Be part of the of the biggest ever Free the Snake Flotilla on the Snake River, Sept 7-8