OHIODANCE  (OHIODANCE.ORG/VDC.OHIODANCE.ORG) UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF MADAM JANE D’ANGELO WAS ABLE TO SHIFT THEIR FOCUS TO CREATE A VIRTUAL AND DIGITAL PLATFORM. OHIODANCE is offering the community a monthly virtual series.  Dr. William McDaniel, Professor Emeritus of American-African Studies and Music at The Ohio State University will present American Jazz History.  The next virtual presentation will focus on Arts and Entertainment Law; there will be a session on Mental Health and Wellness talking about energy  healing modalities, massage,  meditation.  Each month  OD  will continue to offer topics with relevance to the field of dance.  Their Virtual Festival – April 30-May 2nd will highlight over 30 sessions with the theme of Rebuilding Legacy:  Inclusivity and Equity in dance. Dance has historically reflected the cultural attitudes of our times,  including   the women’ s movement, civil rights and  disability rights  There is also a Virtual Dance Collection (VDC- See Bebe Miller) that is interactive that has been preserving documents that have shaped dance history.



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