Springtime Celebration of Life honoring those who protected our Nation will be held on May 9th. Two survivors of Pearl Harbor, 93 year old Milt Mapou and 96 year old Roy Keihn will be honored together with 94 year old John Bergman a WWII Code Breaker and WWII veteran Norm Lambert who received 3 Purple Hearts and 3 Bronze Stars. The dinner will also salute 75-year-old Glenn R. Williams for his efforts at organizing the Park of Roses Summer Concert Series since 1975. J. Michael Jennings usually known as Santa Claus when he makes his rounds (for free) at numerous organizations both handing out gifts and collecting gifts for Toys for Tots will also be honored. These dinners are organized by a fine fellow named Leo Savage who asks us to help send his appreciation to almost 40 local businesses, and political leaders including Ohio’s Governor, Columbus Ohio’s Mayor and the Governor of Kentucky for helping to make this dinner possible and free to all those senior citizens who attend.



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