JEWS OF CUBA – Photographs by Debbie Rosenfeld


Puffin Foundation West, Ltd. (PFW) has awarded a Grant  to a post  9/11 transplanted New Yorker, and now Columbus Resident, Debbie Rosenfeld to help fund the continuation of  her work-in-progress entitled Jews of Cuba. We are certain that that those who are able to view her photo-documentary of this “essentially lost tribe” will be moved to understand that too many precious things in these times are at the brink of extinction owing to negligence, or the fact that they have been forgotten,  and/or related to bias, hate, war, and greed. We believe that her photographs will share with the viewer her  strength as a master of this  art of photographic biography, and that  you, the audiance, will  gain strength in your conviction that we can peaceably transform our society through the language of ART.

Please visit Debbie’s web site to see more of the over 500  photographs she has taken on her two trips to Havana.   

 For further information, please feel free to contact her @ 614-314-7218 or you may  email  her through  her  web site



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