The King Arts Complex’ “Summer Camp and Winter and Spring Academies” has been found to meet the criteria of Puffin Foundation West, Ltd. (PFW). Your program will provide 80 school-aged children with affordable, accessible, safe and positive programming that celebrates diversity through the arts. Your dedicated spaces for music, dance and movement, theatre and drama are an oasis for the enrichment of young minds, spirits and their imaginations. It is so critical for children to have safe places to go over the summer that offer them the tools and provide them with an array of disciplines and skills that we all need in life; and that your Summer Camp will allow their parent(s) to keep their jobs and/or stay in school. The fact that children in Franklin County, owing to continued government cutbacks, will also face food insecurity is alarming and as that is a fact we all provided some additional funding for food security for these great kids so that they can look forward to eating breakfasts and lunches. We know that the messaging that art and artists use to reach across the borders of our imagination are able to peaceably transform our society’s idea through creative expression and innovation as it promotes personal productivity. Free expression allows us to dream of lasting peace and citizenship in a world without bigotry or prejudice and this helps move our society on a path towards a progressive democracy. Our Grant is symbolic of our recognition of the work that you are doing which supports the Mission to which we are jointly committed; being a positive planet!
THE KING ARTS COMPLEX- Summer Camp, and Winter & Spring Academies