HACKATHON …. Noah Webster had no idea

PFW has worked with Arizona State’s, Dr. Neal Lester, Director of Project Humanity since 2015.  He has conducted symposiums on Cultural Appropriation and Awareness for High School Students, worked with Bobby Taylor to create ASU Humanity 101’s theme song, and has orchestrated a program called     Hacks for Humanity  which is a  hackathon for the social good coming up on 19 & 20 October 2019. The last five hackathons have highlighted the uniqueness of this not-just-for-coders effort in terms of its diversity, its transdisciplinary, and its multi-communal and multi-professional dimensions. This process of community-building intergenerationally is important, the team products themselves quite impressive. Indeed, we are always excited to create new partnerships with groups and organizations whose values align with our Humanity 101 principles, philosophical values that foreground our hackathon: compassion, integrity, respect, empathy, kindness, forgiveness and self-reflection.

“This hackathon embodies the best that is diversity — bringing together folks from across disciplines, ages, professions and lived experiences,” said Neal A. Lester, professor of English and director of Project Humanities. “Our event — a burst of ‘creative disruption’ — shows that the truest innovation comes when we collaborate with those seemingly unlike us to arrive at together what we could not do alone. To witness this process and the amazing products that emerge from teams after an intense 36 hours is quite something to behold.”




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