Friends of CASA of Franklin County Ohio works on behalf of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Franklin County to help every abused and/or neglected child in the county have a safe, permanent home – and the opportunity to thrive. In 2023, approximately 300 children from over 350 families were helped by CASA volunteers. So far in 2024, we have served 500 children in over 200 families, Your support does much to make a difference in the lives of these children!
We provide help to CASA through grants and the generosity of donors such as yourself – in support of the highly-trained, compassionate and committed volunteers who advocate in court for hundreds of abused and neglected children in our community each year. CASAs focus on protecting the best interest of these children through examining each child’s home environment, relationships, as well as individual needs. They also work to facilitate the appointment of resources and services to best serve the child. The advocacy efforts of over 250 CASA volunteers makes this happen.
We thank you for your recent $50,000 donation. Every donation puts us one step closer to further ensuring that our most vulnerable children have someone by their side, speaking up for their best interest, and working with the courts to make sure they are flourishing in healthy home environments.
On behalf of the children served in Franklin County, thank you for caring and for your generosity in supporting our efforts. You are contributing to the future success of at-risk children and making a
significant impact.



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