Dear Puffin West Friends,

Without all of your efforts, with your vision, your passion, your sense that it is still possible to enlighten and brighten, Puffin West would not have much to do. We are moved and touched and so thankful for your clear   focus and shining human spirit that embraces the notion that there needs to be a continuum focused on peaceful pursuits that respect our lands, our water, our air, and our creatures big and small who are desperately trying to survive the arrogance of the banksters and greedsters of our planet. You have shown that by using ART as the messenger that PEACE IS POSSIBLE!

You are all invited to submit an Application prior to December 28th for a 2014 Grant Award. Please know, however, that immediate past Grant Awardees will be considered after new Grant Applications are read and decided. Also, as we anticipate a great many applications for 2014, you can expect that Grant Awards may possibly be getting smaller so that we can have broader funding coverage to many new grassroots organizations. Please remember that many groups and individuals have been successful in leveraging Puffin West Awards with other Not For Profit Conduit Foundations that provide grants for projects.  



We'll be in touch shortly!