Letters from Anne and Martin is a unique production that combines the iconic voices of Anne Frank and Martin Luther King, Jr., both of whom were born in 1929 yet seemingly represent dramatically different times and cultures. Developed from excerpts from Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl and Dr. King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” this piece evokes the important messages from these legendary figures, as they write of their hopes and plans for a peaceful and unified world. This is currently our most-requested program, as it touches both students and adults of various backgrounds.

Conversations with Anne is our signature one-act solo show, inspired directly by Anne’s diary. Ideal for student and family audiences, the program provides a uniquely personal glimpse into Anne’s time in hiding. After the performance, the actor playing Anne answers questions from the audience in character, giving children a chance to connect the present with the past, by imagining they are having a conversation with Anne Frank herself.

Working with the education team at the North Carolina Museum of Art, we have scheduled three performances for North Carolina Schools in January and in March. We are considering this a pilot program with the goal to offer performances of “Letters from Anne and Martin” and “Conversations with Anne” to schools across the State through the North Carolina Holocaust Commission. Funding from Puffin Foundation will make it possible to offer these performances at no cost to schools that wish to participate.

Your generous support has made it possible for us to shape the strategy to reach tens of thousands of students, across North Carolina. It is more important now than it ever was before! We request permission to begin to use the funds in January 2024 to support virtual performances throughout 2024.

The Anne Frank Center USA, Inc, honors Anne Frank and the continuing relevance of her diary by educating young people and communities in the US about the dangers of intolerance, anti-Semitism, racism, and discrimination, and inspiring every generation to build a world based on mutual respect. … partner with community members and other organizations to promote education, combat intolerance, defend human rights, and remember those lost through senseless tragedy. Throughout North America, Anne Frank exhibits have been hosted by community centers, schools and universities, arts organizations, libraries and museums. Complete program options includes docent-led tours for students, teachers.



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