The performanceS BY ZIGGZAGGERZ THE BASTARD A PERFORMATIVE ARTIST AND COMIC ZINE were well received and said to be powerful. It expresses a symbiotic bond between homosapiens and animals. and portrays ZiggZaggerZ as a creature combined across the span of the 6 Kingdoms of Life.

Becoming Earthling has become a performative arts piece that has toured at the Afrofuturist festival: Black Speculative Arts Movement — LA, Cultural Heritage festival, Culver City’s Health and Wellness Expo and at Pomona College.

Becoming the [Black] Beast — The performance is entitled Becoming the [Black] Beast, which portrays ZiggZaggerZ as a human transforming into a new marginalized earthly creature. Told through poetry, song, rhythm and dance in which, ZiggZaggerZ is bitten and becomes a beast, disavowing her ego attachment to her human-identity as she transcends into a bizarre and discredited beast of Earth.

One story stands out in particular. The California African American Museum sponsored a performance of Becoming the [Blacks] Beast at Leimert Park as part of their Heritage Festival. The main-stage was outside and competing with outdoor festivities like the sounds of drummers, satellite stages and merchants. This was intimidating for me, as it required me to be very engaging in order to compete for viewer’s attention. As I performed, the festival goers steadily filled the audience chairs of the main-stage. The drummers, and other merchants stopped what they were doing to watch the performance. When it was over, I received a standing ovation. The audience was mostly full of people from cultures that have been marginalized in modern society. Several people were crying, they were so moved. And many came up to me to express their gratitude as they related to the emotions of the marginalized creature that I became. The crowd was cross generational. The message understood was that attachment to human identity is optional. Some said they were liberated by this concept and were thankful to be exposed to the performance

Becoming the [Black] Beast will continue to be performed, and will have an ongoing expansion in reach and audience.



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