sigimg0 2Project Summary and Final Report from Embracing our Differences: Grant funds were used to send 80 students on an educational field trip to the Embracing Our Differences International Art Exhibit. March To Your Own Beat In addition to the field trip, these students were provided lesson plans and curriculum to use in their classrooms before, during and after their field trips. Embracing Our Differences’ field trips impact the lives of our students by teaching the importance of respecting others and standing up against hatred and prejudice.

Furthermore, these free field trips engage the power of art to bring critical thinking and visual inquiry learning opportunities to as many students as possible in a manner which instills a permanent and meaningful appreciation of diversity and inclusion in all of its forms. Teachers have consistently reported they are confident that these experiences will have a life-long impact upon their students.

Teachers overwhelmingly felt the Embracing Our Differences Free Field Trip program was well run and provided a meaningful and relevant experience for their students. Specific comments from teachers:

“It is a great field trip where my students get to think critically and make life decisions.”

“My students learned so much through the artwork and exhibit. It was an outstanding experience educationally and socially for my students.”

“We used the materials before, during and after our trip to teach, learn, draw and discuss.”

“I truly believe that my students started to see others, not as someone to make fun of for being different, but for being unique individuals.”

“My students were comfortable and less judgmental of their peers in the classroom.”

“Thank you for the transportation grant. If it were not for the free busing, we would not be able to participate.”

“Two of my students gave each other a hug and the one student said, “I care about you!”



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