For a quarter of a century the dedication of Artist and Art Activist, MR. JIM ARTER, has made a difference in thousands of children’s lives in Central Ohio. Puffin West will be supporting two exhibitions that will inform the public of the programs’ histories he created, the methodology he used and how his ideas in creating vehicles for young people, who were frequently excluded from access to arts and programming, helped not only the children, their families and the community but instigated and ultimately promote social change. His work with the Greater Columbus Arts Council (GCAC) has served 100,000’s children in Columbus’ City Schools through a program entitled ARTISTS-in-SCHOOLS (A-i-S) that he helped expand. Mr. Arter has mentored 214 artists in the community who have been able to use the arts to address social issues and promote peace. Many of these artists are part of A-i-S and teachers use their diverse talents and skills to supplement existing curriculum. This array of artists brings to the schools workshops, seminars, performances and interactive activities that the students take part in. (PFW has in the past funded A-i-S programming at the Hubbard Elementary School and at John Burroughs Elementary through grants requests made by a teacher, Mrs. Pollyea.) One of Mr. Arter’s visions embraced by the GCAC ultimately became a nationally recognized model used by Americorps entitled Children of the Future. These retrospectives will also have programming sessions with children aged 7-11, gallery lectures and a “drop-in” studio program entitled “THE WORKS.” The first part of this Show will run from July-September, 2013 in Granville, OH. This project is endorsed by the Ohio Alliance for Arts Education. More updates to come under Press and Announcements on this site.