OF THE RISING TIDE: Life and Times in a Vanishing Bayou Community



OF THE RISING TIDE has been a long-term project of documentary photographer Melinda Rose who has received a PFW grant to continue her chronicling of the lives of the people who inhabit a remote Louisiana Island, Isle de Jean  Charles, which has literally been disappearing.  Melinda Rose’s pieces have focused on a gentle yet determined community as they cope with the fact that their lives and livelihoods have been swept away by the ravages of wind and water.  Ms. Rose heads back to Bayou Country this spring wondering which families have relocated and about those families that  have managed to  stayed how have they managed to hold their tight-knit community together?  It is a story of a series of disasters, but more importantly it is a story of survival. For an incredible history lesson of this Isle go to isledejeancharles.com.  



We'll be in touch shortly!