Filmmakers are able to bring a viewer into an experience that is not their own and allows them to see that, yes we are all connected! The ReelAbilities Film Festival is back in Columbus for its second year of sharing with the Community a series of highly acclaimed movies, paired with keynote speaker Petra Kuppers, Ph.D., and a workshop that allow us to feel comfortable to cross borders into the lives and worlds of people born disabled from the devastating effects of Thalidomide, and to a performance by the DANCING WHEELS COMPANY AND SCHOOL of Cleveland Ohio. Tickets for all events are five dollars at the door and the venues are all over town. For more information on these events that are beginning Oct.-4-7 go on line to COLUMBUS.REELABILITIES.ORG or call 614 241.5325. VAS OHIO the State Organization on Arts and Disabilities has put together this very fine program of eight important films and conversations.