It is the 800th anniversary of the signing of the MAGNA CARTA by King John. The MAGNA CARTA is the source of our Sixth and Seventh Amendments to the United State Constitution which give us the right to a trial by jury in both civil and criminal case. This RIGHT is being eroded today by tort reform as one can easily argue that full, fair, and just compensation in proportion to the damages sustained have been capped. The MAGNA CARTA also set out the freedom of religion; was the inspiration to give THE PEOPLE certin inalienable rights includng protection from abuse and unfair treatment by their government – which too, is very much in the news everyday. The MAGNA CARTA was also the voice behind the Universal Declaration of Human Rights written in the last century. The MAGNA CARTA was the basis for many documents that moved societies along towards progressive democracies and it had an powerful impact on the FEDERALIST PAPERS. The principals in the MAGNA CARTA played a pivotal role in the discussions in the the 85 articles and essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay promoting the ratification of the United States Constitution. This May, a commemorative anniversary edition of the Magna Carta, magna Carta Regis Johannis XV, Die Anno Regni XVII. A.D. MCCXV, which was published in London in 1816 by John Whittaker will be on loan to the University of Dayton Law School by Java and Mark Kitrick. John Whittaker invented a method of printing in 24K gold. His most famous and lavish edition was the 600th anniversary printing of the Magna Carta. Dayton University’s Dean of Libraries Kathy Webb, who recently oversaw the exhibition of 50 of the rarest most wonderful editions from the extraordinary collction of Mr. Stuart Rose, asked Mr. Rose if he would lend to the exhibition of the MAGNA CARTA his FIRST EDITION copy of the FEDERALIST PAPERS and (thank you) Mr. Rose has agreed to it. A PFW Grant will ensure that children will have the opportunity to stand before historyand that students will have the opportunity to have open discussions of where our society came from and where it is going to. Drive to Dayton during May-June and see history for yourself.



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