VSA, OHIO (VSAO) THE STATE ORGANIZATION ON ARTS AND DISABILITIES is hosting two major gatherings that will bring statewide and national audiences to Columbus for the 2017 Arts and Autism Conference and the 4th REEL Abilities Film Festival.   These gathering are creative, safe places where attendees are encouraged to think outside the box, understand different perspectives, and learn something new. The idea is to alter mindsets and actions of cultural institutions that participate in events as they will be offered ideas and ways to enact numerous changes to increase accessibility and inclusion for people with disabilities in their spaces, programs and governance. VSA, Ohiovsa_georgia_final continues to raise awareness about accessibility and inclusion and will discuss with the attendees its marketing strategies for their events which include website, Facebook Events and paid BOOSTS, event calendars, press releases and outreach to media to announce the festival, films and featured artists. Part of the conference will even be a live simulcast, and plans are in the works to have WOSU’s Emmy Award winning series Broad and High do an arts and autism feature.   VSA Ohio provides tools, resources, and opportunities to enhance teaching and learning through the arts. They strive to increase arts access and cultural participation through inclusive experiences and partnership. VSAO is an advocate whose services directly impact over 20,000 people at the dynamic intersection of arts, education, and disability. These lives represent all abilities, disabilities, ages and regions.WWW.VSAO.ORG



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