PFW has provided a continuation Grant to The League of WomenVoters so that they would be able to produce educational reels/CDs of their documentary A LIGHT UNDIMMED to be distributed with a Teaching  Guide for free to schools in Franklin County.

The 1960’s and 1970’s were a pivotal era in Central Ohio and the nation. During this time, women volunteers from the League of Women Voters of Metropolitan Columbus (LWVMC) helped to effect social and political changes through their advocacy of voting rights and redistricting, juvenile justice, and the desegregation of the Columbus City Schools. As a result of their League activism, many of these women volunteers acquired the experience and leadership skills to launch careers in government, politics, non-profit administration, philanthropy, and the private sector. Their stories are documented in the film, A Light Undimmed: Stories from the League of Women Voters of Metropolitan Columbus. This twenty-four minute film not only illustrates what is possible when activists come together for a cause, but it also demonstrates how being an engaged citizen can shape our community for the better.




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