Accessible Creativity Transforms (ACT) is an evolution of several VSA-Ohio initiatives and programs founded by their Executive Director, Erin Hoppe

VSA understands that building partnerships with many organizations, many of which are supported by PFW including Food for Good Thought, Bridgeway Academy is a way to bring many different people together to work towards breaking down the barriers to accessibility and creativity. Through education, VSA and its partners have increased acceptability utilizing the arts and creativity as the vehicle for this understanding. . “This art will challenge your notion of dis/ability. We hope it inspires your own creativity and acts of inclusion.” -Erin Hoppe, executive director. By increasing awareness of the need for accessibility it helps to expand opportunities for collaboration between people, organization and cultural institutions and allows people of all disabilities to participate in the arts and community. The ACT conference and festival will be held September 27-28 in Columbus



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