Brainwaves and the Butterfly Effect

Catherine Messina is a psychologist and she said in her grant proposal that while looking at brainwaves that are activated in trauma, grief, and joy, and most specifically the brain as we interact with the butterfly effect this was different than just a few years before.   The butterfly effect is the idea that the smallest moments can cause a monumental change in our life’s trajectory.  From the people we meet to the places we end up, our life’s path is continuously and constantly subtly switching, leaving behind what could have been.  Ms. Messina is also a DANCER.  When it comes to movement in the dances she choreographs you will witness on the screen (virtual presentation being resented in both PA and GA and on a video being created) brute physicality with humorous moments, as our brains are in overdrive owing to the pandemic.  Our amygdala and hypothalamus are shifting in ways psychologists haven’t seen in quite a long time.  Thus it is a particularly exciting time to get into the studio and create.  This dance program is being created with her dance partner Meg Gourley.  PFW is honored to be of help in this project.



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