Queen City Opera’ spring 2019 production! We will be performing Weber’s The Magic Bullets (Der Freischütz): an opera from 1821 about a community obsessed with guns. The plot focuses on the impact of gun violence. Weber’s Der Freischütz tells the story of Max, a young man who must succeed in a shooting contest in order to marry his fiancée Agathe. His community has tied his sense of masculinity to his skill with firearms, and the resulting pressure drives him to seek magic bullets that never miss. But the bullets come at a steep price.Our production will feature full orchestral accompaniment from the award-winning Queen City Opera orchestra, and the premiere of a new critical edition of Weber’s masterful score, recently published by Schott Music in Mainz, Germany. Sung in the original German, with projected English translations, and English dialogue between the musical numbers.

This production will be very special because we will be collaborating with the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence and the Local Chapter of Moms Demand Action. There will be a presentation on evidence-based approaches to preventing gun violence one hour before each performance.

Save the date for the performances. Tickets go on sale in early December.
Friday, May 31st 2019, at 8.00 pm
Sunday, June 2nd 2019, at 3.00 pm





We'll be in touch shortly!