A Gamut Theatre Podcast Original

The Cinderella Project is an evolution of Gamut’s Young Acting Company production of Cinderella, which was first postponed and then canceled due to Covid-19. Rather than let all that talent and hard work go quietly into the night, we decided we could turn Sean Adams’ script (based on the original fairy tale by Charles Perrault) into a podcast and still share our version of this classic story. It also gave us the opportunity to emphasize how important good vocal work is for actors and to foster a slightly different set of skills than those used in a stage production.

The Cinderella Project OF THE GAMUT THEATRE PROJECT OF HARRISBURG PA brought together fifty young actors between the ages of 6 and 18, a lot of cooperative parents working out technical glitches and creating quiet-ish spaces for their children to record, original music by young musicians, a teenaged sound engineer, and several determined volunteers with inexhaustible email patience. The creation of this podcast epitomized separate-but-together, as we shared online spaces to make recordings, and used modern technology to unite the actors once again to tell a story they had already invested with months of anticipation and weeks of rehearsal.




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