Columbus Jewish Film Festival Will Inspire Audiences of ALL Traditions

The Columbus Jewish Film Festival is committed to presenting cutting-edge international films and ancillary programming that reflect a myriad of Jewish experiences. Festival goals include engaging Jewish individuals and all or any other groups characterized in the films shown at the Festival as this will enable them to build and inspire new audiences; facilitate dialogue among diverse communities;   Film screenings, educational programs, social events, celebrations, and community collaborations are tools used to accomplish these goals.

Over the course of the Festival to be held in November 2022 they will bring to you virtually films from around the world; narratives, documentaries, and shorts with as much supplemental programming as possible.  As in past festivals, the CJFF mission/goals remain the same; promoting a Jewish legacy that values art and embraces universal themes and ponders moral questions, and raises ethical concerns.  They push the boundaries of what is considered “Jewish” and take the festival outside of the walls of Jewish Institutions, opening the window that invites a wider community to better understand the Jewish experience and tackling the much-needed conversation about anti-Semitism.  The film selections offer inclusivity because they the films represent the world we live in NOW with topics such as social justice, civil rights, disabilities, LBGTQ rights, and anti-semitism.



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