There seemingly are no safe places as differing political opinions seem to be exacerbating divisiveness.  Jackie Koppell trained with Second City, Upright Citizen Brigade and Stand-Up LA, who was a student of History, Law & Society will be using comedy to find common ground.   “One would think my history degree- you know, the one where I learned to analyze the past in order to be better prepared for the future- would have taught me that showbiz is hard!

Frustrated with how little control I had over pretty much any part of the business, I decided to listen to the adage, “use what you know to get where you want to go.” I love making people laugh (I trained with Upright Citizen’s Brigade and Second City.) and I really understand politics. Plus, I love The Daily Show, John Oliver, and Stephen Colbert. Political satire seemed like a great focus and fit.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Ha! How honest do you want me to be? I can assure you that not one part of this road has been smooth! You need a thick skin, a balance of patience and aggressiveness, and an unwavering belief in yourself. Truth be told, I’ve periodically wavered, but knowing that I have a unique skill set that supports what I’m committed to–using entertainment to empower and educate people–has helped me stay the course. Stubbornness has its benefits! I’m really proud that I’ve stuck with it and I’m so excited for what’s to come.

My advice to other women in any industry, and especially entertainment, is that you need to be passionate to succeed. Life can get hard, and disappointments sometimes come far more often than the successes. Grit and that stubbornness mentioned above can help you through it! Surrounding yourself with friends who support you and your work is also so important. They’ll make your life so much richer and fuller, no matter what you’re accomplishing.

We’d love to hear more about Newsy News.
I’m the creator of Newsy News, a smart comedy brand that focuses on political satire and funny content that has something to say. My upcoming discussion series, (working title: “Let’s Talk”) is especially exciting because it’ll provide people with the opportunity to listen and participate in a political conversation that’s respectful fun (yes, fun!) and informative. ”



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