PFW has given a grassroots grant to Wild Goose Creative, a new NFP that is located at 2491 Summit Street in Columbus, Ohio which is on the cusp of gentrification but lacks many of the opportunities and resources and vision that Wild Goose Creative brings to this neighborhood NOW! Wild Goose is a community arts organization that provides space, education and resources to artists. The grant award that was asked for was specifically for a program that they launched in 2015 that invites young people/children – ages 8-16 – on the first Friday of each month to perform on stage for friends, family and peers in a safe, positive space. This project entitled CIVILIZATION emphasizes art as a tool for addressing social justice. The children all perform original works, often poetry or hip-hop(e) as outlets to discuss gun violence, absent parents, drug addition, race relations with the Columbus Police and the challenges of having parents in jail. Wild Goose Creative has given these children a platform and the opportunity to express themselves through civil discourse and art instead of violence. In additional these students use the events as a way to meet and engage peers from other neighborhoods and socio-economic backgrounds. A snack/food security is also part of the event. Award winning poet, Searius Addishun hosts these events. Please go to their website and read about the amazing founding, members and the Board of this great new neighborhood resource. We are very happy that they reached out to PFW.



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