EQUITY All individuals should have access to artistic education and opportunity regardless of race, gender, disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic
status.  DIVERSITY Atlanta’s arts community should reflect its varied and diverse communities and their experiences. CREATIVITY We believe that photography is a universal language and we hope to teach more people to speak it. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Illuminate Atlanta aims   to serve and provide our communities with the arts and its potential for creative expression as well as its ability to help build and sustain economically and culturally vibrant communities.

The objective of this project is to give developmentally disabled and/or socio-economically underprivileged youth access to a photographic education while simultaneously providing them with an outlet to express their unique worldview. Additionally the program Aims to encourage career paths for these individuals in a growing and viable creative field.  The photography work shops will be held virtually online and a virtual reception and exhibition of the participants works  will be had.





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