PFW grant award has been made in support of the Interfaith Association of Central Ohio’s(IACO) annual community-building Main Event. This 25th Anniversary luncheon on October 16th will host a panel of 8 led by The Rev. Dr. Shanta D. Premawardhana will include a mix of perspectives that favors diversity in faiths, ethnicity, gender, race and age.   An  social media campaign and invitation to young people of all faiths has been made asking them to submit multi-media entries  be it via blog, poetry, essays, photos or videos on the general topic of Calling for the Spirit of Peace.  A visual collection of their submissions will be presented at the Main Event. The IACO represents people of different faiths promoting religious understanding and tolerance and freedom and to promote social justice, peace and human dignity.  They maintain a roster of experienced speakers representing eight different faith communities including Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh.  IACO joined with Puffin Foundation in 2006 to bring to the Capitol Lawns the American Friends Exhibit “Eyes Wide Open” the widely acclaimed exhibition on the human cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which featured a pair of empty boots honoring each US military casualty and and a solemn double row of children’s and women’s shoes representing “Collateral Damages”.



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