Jane Kim’s MIGRATING MURAL Moving On!

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SECOND SITE IN PROGRESS – Migrating Mural: Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep

New Mural in Progress


Located just opposite the Wheeler crest, a herd unit within the central recovery unit, the bench structure at the shooting range has been one of my favorite sites since the beginning. Sierra bighorn in this range migrate in elevation and come down to very low ranges during the winter.


The lamb climbs down a temperature gradient to meet the waiting adult ewe. At least 305 adult and yearling females are needed for downlisting goals. 


Later this year, another mural in the heart of downtown Bishop will be painted at Sage to Summit. The name of the store is perfect to tell the story of Sierra bighorn forage. Sagebrush is food for Sierra bighorn in the winter range and this mural depicts their diet as they move from “Sage to Summit.”



We'll be in touch shortly!