Our DEAR PUFFIN FRIEND, MS. LOWSON who is always on the front lines for all sentient creatures asks you to take the time to read an interesting piece by Harvard Political Review:  “The situation is ghastly – on this point, farmers, consumers, CEOs, and animal rights activists can all agree. The Food and Environment Reporting Network has described it as “an orgy of waste that turns the stomachs of even the most pragmatic.” But the pandemic provides an opportunity to more deeply interrogate the structural injustice of this system. It is animal agriculture that is wrong, not simply the logistical phenomena that have caused mass culling. As we negotiate a return to normalcy, we must critically examine and dismantle the country’s unsustainable and unethical meat production pipeline… In the long term, we must not waste this opportunity to start mending our broken relationship with animals. This begins with the end of factory farming and the redirection of all government relief and future subsidies towards plant based agriculture and food processing. These kinds of systemic solutions are the only way to truly show compassion to animals. The virus has given us an opportunity to look, for a moment, directly into the eyes of our fellow beings. We will have failed them if, when restrictions begin to lift, we avert our eyes to their suffering.”
PFW also refers you to SENTIENT MEDIA please find a compassionate heart t read what we humans are doing to millions and millions and millions of animal



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