OHIODANCE! Statehouse Summer Series

Puffin Foundation West has given a Grant to OhioDance whose  state-wide commitment to dance as a fundamental expression of people of all cultures compliments our Mission.  This Grant is in support of Ohio Statehouse Summer Fridays which are FREE outdoor dance events on the commons of the Statehouse. OhioDance at its very heart is about supporting the impulses that make us dance in the first place:  cultural or personal expression, establishing and exploring relationships, experiencing life expansively and fully.

The synergies of the organization support the activities and careers of countless people in the dance community, and by extension improve the quality of life in their communities.

OhioDance is a socially concerned community organization devoted to creating a better world by bridging the gap between art and lives of ordinary people. OhioDance is interested in work that transcends social issues and brings them to the public arena.




We'll be in touch shortly!