Please welcome the first Pubic Sculpture in the Westgate  Community created by Rachel Pace b2ap3_thumbnail_1129039681jEL91u_20150703-215116_1.jpg

Westgate Summer Jam. We are very excited to announce that the first public sculpture in the Westgate Community will be unveiled on Saturday July 11th at their Summer Jam- FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 11-7p in Westgate Park. This has been made possible with support from PFW and the incredible personal dedication of neighborhood activist Patricia Von Nesson. It is entitled ON THE WINGS OF CHANGE

The 14 foot, stainless steel and metal sculpture has been designed and built in it’s entirety by Rachel Pace of Steeling Copper Metal Studio. She has repurposed materials that she’s found in a metal scrap yard to build a thing of beauty. 
The sculpture has all 4 stages of the monarch displayed on each alternating leaf. You’ll see the milkweed seed, the egg, the caterpillar, the chrysalis, and finally “Big Momma” (the adult monarch feeding on the milkweed blossoms). 
Her heart and soul are in this sculpture, as it portrays her passion – raising awareness of the monarch butterfly. Last year she raised 72 monarchs in her house and released them to migrate to Mexico.



We'll be in touch shortly!