
Picture Peace provides a safe environment that allows kids to express themselves about gun violence in a safe and creative environment. Students work one on one with Ohio Coalition staff and are encouraged to submit their visual responses on the topic of gun violence to our art contest. PFW met Ohio Citizens Against Gun Violence on Power2Give. We like this program so much we invited them to apply for a grant to take this program to Cleveland, Ohio in honor or Timir Rice, the 12 year old child who was gunned down for playing with a toy gun that was gunmetal in color. The USA industry standard is to NOT make guns that look real and that is why so many toys are pink, blue red, green or shouting out loud that I AM A TOY and made in day glow colors. Exposure of violence in a child’s world is alarming and nearly 2/3 of children and teens in this country have been victims or witnesses of violence in the past year. Healing plays a pivotal role in cultural change. In order to create peace, we must first picture it; this is how the Picture Peace Outreach and Violence prevention program makes a difference.






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