Film Camp is part of the Ridge Project, which serves and works in Lucas County/Toledo Ohio.   Although the Ridge Project gets its major funding from governmental agencies a successful program entitled Film Camp is not funded. Film Camp will take place inside Lucas County Youth Treatment Center whose mission is to rehabilitate juvenile offenders and their families by developing pro-social attitudes, values, beliefs and skills so that when these young offenders are reintegrated into the community they have been given the tools that they can use to show that they have learned accountability and have responsibility. This facility is operated by Lucas County Juvenile Court and exists to provide community-based corrections to youths who would otherwise be committed to a state institute.

The program divides the residents into groups. The residents learn from experts in the field of digital communications how to conceptualize an idea and then put it on a storyboard. The teams then write the script, do the acting, filming and editing as well as create a soundtrack. The PSA announcements these youths will be made to speak their peers; to empower and encourage them to make healthy choices; tell them how to avoid risky behavior and how to stand up to negative peer pressure and not be bully.  The announcements created will positively encourage these young incarcerated youths to develop healthy relationships with family and friends. At the conclusion of the camp, the competing PSA’s will be evaluated by a Judge’s panel. The winning PSA will be posted on public social media outlets to inspire and education.



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