Violence is a plague in the lives of many transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) people, with hate motivated beatings and murders very common and often involving extra cruelty. According to the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, 72% of reported hate murders against LBGT people and people lining with HIV in 2013 were committed against TRANSGENDER WOMEN with 67% against transgender women of color.  (NCAVP Mission:The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs works to prevent, respond to, and end all forms of violence against and within LGBTQ communities. NCAVP is a national coalition of local member programs, affiliate organizations and individual affiliates who create systemic and social change. We strive to increase power, safety and resources through data analysis, policy advocacy, education and technical assistance.)

This terror-by-example creates the kind of fear that send people underground, away from community services and support. This project was brought to the attention of PFW by a social justice and visual artist and advocate and educator, Dr. Rivers.  Her favorite Dr. Martin Luther King quote is “whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly“. Although she is not transgender, their oppression and exclusion affects her and she deeply believes that the more people are educated on this topic the more tolerance and understanding will come from it.   By using art activism as a painter she knows that it will be a voice of change. There will be an artist talk in Westbury, NY this March, another one is scheduled for the Women’s Opportunity Rehabilitation Center in Hempstead, NY in May, Dr. Rivers’ solo exhibition is set to be seen at the Lakeview Public Library in West Hempstead, NY in October 2017.



We'll be in touch shortly!